A quick but hearty thanks to everyone who sent Levi well wishes this past week! After he spiked a fever two nights in a row and I had to make an after hours call to his pediatrician, we arrived at the office bright and early on Wednesday for a walk-in appointment. Another doctor in the practice diagnosed Levi with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). He then asked if Levi could use a third grandfather. Even when he’s pitifully sick, my baby guy can still be quite the charmer.
Archives for March 2012
levi’s first cold
Is there anything as heartbreaking as having a sick child and not being able to comfort him?
Levi started experiencing symptoms of his first cold on Sunday — a dry cough and nasal congestion. He wasn’t very interested in eating (so unlike him!) and was having trouble staying asleep during his naps. Of course, losing an hour of sleep thanks to daylight savings only added to his exhaustion. Being tired and achy made Levi fussy, and at times he was seemed inconsolable. Thank goodness my parents were in town and could help us give Levi the extra TLC he needed.
(Confession: When he cried, I wanted to hide in my bathroom and have an emotional breakdown. Being a parent is so hard, especially when there is literally nothing you can do to help your child aside from offering a dose of Tylenol every four hours.)
Levi suffered through several coughing fits on Monday, and his temperature peaked at 101.2 degrees before bed. What a way to spend your 8 month birthday, huh? I literally had to rock him to sleep, something I haven’t done in months, because he just couldn’t get comfortable. My poor baby…
Did you have a similar experience the first time your child was sick? Was seeing your little that miserable just as difficult to bear?
going to the movies + friday favorites
My parents are coming to Omaha this weekend, which means that Levi gets to spend some quality time with his grandparents and JB and I get a break! Perhaps we’ll even go on a date Saturday night. Dinner and a movie? Or maybe we’ll just combine the two activities; JB and I used to love to eat “dinner” at the movies — splitting a large bucket of popcorn, some candy and a soda. (Don’t judge.)
I can’t even remember the last time we went to the movies, and I just realized that I have no idea what’s currently in theaters. If The Artist is playing locally, I’d still love to see that. But I’m also open to your recommendations. What have you seen — and liked — recently?
Before I share some of my favorite links from around the web, I want to thank all of my friends and readers who’ve inquired about Levi’s health. This weekend I also hope to find some time to write a blog post about his test results. I can only get so much done in the 2 or so hours I have free between Levi’s bedtime and when I fall asleep!
Are you really too busy? (via A Cup of Jo)
Not sure I have the patience to make a homemade bath bomb, but as a former Lush employee, I know how incredible they are!
Would you wear purple eyeshadow with red lipstick?
A simple magnetic strip to help you stay organized (via simple + pretty}
A gorgeous bouquet of spring flowers (note to self: by more flowers!)
An experiment in making homemade junk food
I’ll be downloading this iPhone app on March 12
Whoa! 500 new fairytales were discovered in Germany
If Winnie the Pooh and friends took meds
PS: I’m considering making some changes to Bunny & Dolly, aesthetically and content-wise, and may ask you to answer some questions for me. I hope you’ll be game! To start, do you enjoy posts like this one that links to products and articles that I find interesting?
{photo taken on Wednesday, March 7. that onesie is only valid for a few more days!}
a good reminder
I spied this motivational poster in my Facebook feed this morning, and it’s message really spoke to me. A good reminder for all of us overwhelmed and anxious new moms.
a colorful time
I stopped wearing a watch when Levi was born. When I cradled him in my arms, I didn’t want my chunky timepiece to bump or bruise my little baby guy. But now that Levi’s almost eight months old and not a delicate newborn, it might be, erm, time to reconsider wearing a watch. These patent strap watches from ASOS could be the perfect spring accessory–bright, shiny and inexpensive. But which color–yellow or pink?