He may not be sleeping through the night yet, but Levi is certainly developing other skills. Around the time he turned three-months-old I noticed him starting to reach for objects like his pacifier clip and the wooden toys attached to his BabyBjorn Babysitter. It’s amazing to watch him purposefully try to grab an object or stick his fingers in his mouth. It’s like he’s just starting to understand what his hands can do!
Right now he can only really grip soft items like blankets and clothing. Oh, and my hair. He loves to hold on tight to mama’s locks. I pressed Sophie the Giraffe into his palm, and he curled his fingers around her, waving her in the air for just a few seconds. She may be a bit too big for his tiny hands to grasp at the moment, but he’s working on it.
What developmental milestones have your little ones recently reached?