After promising JB a week ago that I’d make matzoh ball soup for dinner, I finally made good on my word last night. While he ran to Costco with Levi, I rolled matzoh balls and chopped chicken while wearing Asa in the Baby K’tan. For 15 minutes or so, I was a champion at multi-tasking.
Levi and Asa were sleeping by the time the soup was finished cooking, and JB was out in the garage installing a car seat protector. As I ladled out the first portion of soup into the low-rimmed soup bowl I was holding in my left hand, I clumsily tipped the bowl, spilling boiling broth onto my palm. Yelling in pain, I tossed the bowl onto the stove and ran over to the sink to run cold water on my hand.
My hand under the faucet, I began to sob. JB, who had come in from the garage when he heard me yell, asked, “I know your hand hurts, but why are you really crying?”
The boy knows me too well.… READ MORE!