Shortly after you turned three months old, Daddy and I tried putting you to bed in a Sleep Sack instead of a swaddle. Your big brother, Levi, was 11 weeks old when he transitioned out of his swaddle, so we thought you might be ready around the same age. We were also hoping that you might sleep for longer stretches overnight if your arms were free; you’re becoming quite the finger- and thumb-sucker.
Silly us. While you were sleeping, you rotated a quarter turn clockwise, flipped over from your back to your tummy, and woke up hysterical. It was the first time you rolled over, and just like Levi, it happened overnight! You’ve only rolled over one other time since, which is surprising considering how much you rock side to side during tummy time.
You’re now reaching for the toys attached to your BabyBjorn bouncer and swinging at the toys dangling above your play mat and mamaRoo. You can loosely hold soft toys like your Whoozit and knit rattle, too, although you’d much rather grab my hair. You’ve also started grabbing your feet, a new discovery this month.
Cuddling with a blanket while swinging is still your preferred way to nap, and you’re getting slightly better at keeping your pacifier in your mouth. Once you even tried putting it back into your mouth after it fell out!
I’ve heard that second-born children are more easy-going than their older siblings, and so far that seems to be true for you. Your daily schedule sort of depends on Levi’s needs that day. For example, sometimes I have to move you from your swing to your car seat while you’re napping, and you generally don’t make too much of a fuss. You’re also content to sit in your car seat for an extended period of time, like if we go out to dinner. I vaguely remember Levi being more of a pain in that regard.
Your Mr. Serious-persona is quickly transforming into Mr. Adorable. You’re generous with your smiles and laugh much more frequently, including when we tickle you! You’re also very chatty (in a high-pitched, squeaky kind of way), and I sometimes catch you just cooing to yourself.
This month you had your first taste of formula when I had to go out of town for four days. I expressed breast milk for you to drink but wasn’t able to pump enough for all of your feedings. I felt incredibly guilty about giving you formula, especially since Levi was exclusively breastfed, but it’s not like you could go without milk. So I picked a carton of formula labeled “For Supplementation” and hoped that you would drink it.
And you did. Mimi stayed over to help Daddy while I was away, and both reported that you didn’t seem to care whether you were drinking formula or milk. Perhaps that was a sign that, unlike Levi, you won’t be a picky eater once you start eating solids.
Similar to last month, you still nurse every three to four hours during the day. Your feeding schedule is roughly 7 am, 10 am, 1 pm, 4 pm, 7 pm, and 10 pm. Unfortunately for Daddy and me, you’re also waking up two times (or more!) at night to eat. You just can’t quit that 1 am-2 am feeding. We will look back at these weeks as the most tired we’ve ever been. Or can ever remember being. (One symptom of sleep deprivation is memory loss.)
Also, you won’t let us put you down in your crib for the night after your 7 pm feeding; we have to wait until after 10 pm. It’s getting really inconvenient to keep going to bed so late.
Metabolically speaking, it’s not like you need the extra milk in the middle of the night. You’re a very healthy 15 lb 11 oz (70th percentile for weight) and 26.25 inches tall (85th percentile). For comparison’s sake, Levi measured 26 inches at four months, but he weighed only 13 lb 7 oz. He could still get away with size 0-3 month clothing when he was your age. You, on the other hand, are a solid size 3-6 months and wear size 2 diapers (that you blow out of way too frequently).
Despite the sleepless nights, I think four months old is my favorite age so far. You are just getting cuter and more expressive by the day!
Asa turned four months old on June 26, 2014. I’ll be taking a monthly baby photo of him next to his Blabla doll on his birthday to document his growth the first year.
PS – Asa at one month old, two months old, and three months old. Also, Levi when he was Asa’s age.
Happy 4 months to you Asa! You are such a happy and beautiful little guy. Hopefully you’ll let your parents have a good night’s sleep soon. Can’t wait to see what you do this month.
Where did you get these black stickers from? Hoping you can email me it! Thank you!!