By now I’m sure you’ve heard that Natalie Portman gave birth to a baby boy last week. (For some reason, I knew she was going to have a boy!) The next day, a writer from the Los Angeles Times put together a reading list of new mom books for Natalie “to ease any pain of brand-new motherhood” because even though she is a celebrity “that doesn’t mean she will be spared the hormone-induced self-doubt and anxiety that everyone feels right after they give birth.”
Love that.
As I’ve mentioned before, I didn’t read many advice books during my pregnancy besides the classic “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” Now I’m wondering if I need to start flipping through some parenting ones. Or is it premature to begin reading about sleep schedules and such?
What parenting books, if any, should I add to my must-read list?
{parenting advice image via Babble}